Meet brennan


brennan the brave

*Please read entire bio before applying*

Age: 1 year old Weight: 64 pounds

Breed: Unknown Gender: Male

Well, hello there. Thank you for looking at my picture and bio information. My name is Brennan and I am currently looking for the bestest fit family. Here are some things you need to know about me.

I'm timid and prefer calm environments. I will shine in a home that is adult only and has a pretty steady routine. Hub bub makes me nervous, I am not a party animal kind of dog.

I wrestle with my nerves when I meet new people. I do best when treats are involved! Mmmm, I love treats! I tend to do well with adult women, but I have found some men that I enjoy hanging out with as well. Slow and steady is the key to getting to know me.

It takes some time to really be myself with the people I'm with, but once I trust you, my goofball, silly side will show. I like to throw my toys around by myself.

I do pretty well on a walk, except I get a bit excited when a squirrel or rabbit teases me. I'm working on being good with waiting and redirection though. I've mastered my potty training. I do well in a crate (but secretly-or not so secretly, I'd love to spend all night cuddling with you in bed). I'm an awesome nap buddy if you want to watch a movie and snuggle on a rainy day.

I've yet to meet a dog I didn't like and want to play with. I would really enjoy living with another dog with my energy and level of romping good time play. I play very well with dogs of all sizes. I am still figuring out this whole fetch thing. Oh, I fetch…. and then forget to return.

Remember how I said I love me some treats? It’s so true that I am going to mention it again! I love to please my people. Peanut butter is probably my favorite thing (my eyes practically double in size with excitement). I love to chew on bones and sticks.

Here are some random fun facts about me.

I enjoy the company of cats and try to play with the kitties in my foster home.

I don't jump on people or counters.

I do love my beds and couches. I do like to lounge.

Car rides are okay. I tend to want to be close to my people during them but otherwise I am quiet and don't disrupt things.

Every morning, I do a big stretch and like to give my foster mom lots of kisses and a big hug.

There you go, that is me….well, part of me anyway. I have a foster family that would really enjoy talking to you about all the fun facts about me.

If you would like to learn more, please fill out an application.